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We are NKCH and MH

We are NKCH and MH
Keep Your Diabetes and Mental Health in Check

Melissa Zalonis |

Keep Your Diabetes and Mental Health in Check

People who live with diabetes are at an increased risk for depression and other mental health conditions. Learn why mental health is an important part of a diabetes care plan.

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Tips for Better Sleep

Jodi Rawson |

Tips for Better Sleep

Learn how to sleep better with these sleep hygiene tips, including what to avoid before bedtime and what to do if you can’t sleep.

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Thriving After Domestic Violence

Kim Shopper |

Thriving After Domestic Violence

Nursing Unit Secretary Float Tyra Randle is like other single, working moms — juggling raising two kids while working full time. What makes Tyra even more special, though, is that she does it all from a wheelchair.

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Preeclampsia What Expectant Mothers Need to Know

Janel Zion |

Preeclampsia What Expectant Mothers Need to Know

Preeclampsia affects about 8% of pregnancies and causes serious symptoms, like high blood pressure. Learn the basics so you know what to look for and how to reduce your risk of developing it.

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More Addictive Menthol Cigarettes Target Underrepresented Consumers

Jason Goergen |

More Addictive Menthol Cigarettes Target Underrepresented Consumers

With fewer people smoking, menthol cigarettes are more popular than ever with smokers. The chemical’s cooling flavor targets young people and is more addictive.

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Fighting Chronic Disease with Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Megan Kigar |

Fighting Chronic Disease with Omega-3 Fatty Acids

What classifies fats as “good” or “bad”? Fatty acids are organized into four groups: monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated and trans fats.

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Brush Up for Good Health

Kim Shopper |

Brush Up for Good Health

Regular dental check-ups and proper oral hygiene can help prevent disease, foster our ability to communicate and result in a better quality of life.

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Watch Out for Measles

Annette Villena |

Watch Out for Measles

Measles is a highly contagious illness that causes mild, flu-like symptoms and a rash. Learn what to look out for and how you or your loved ones can avoid getting measles.

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A Rainbow of Soul Care Options

Joy Freeman |

A Rainbow of Soul Care Options

To thrive, we need a variety of ways to refill and restore the energy it takes to go through the day.

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Stop Spring Allergies in Their Tracks

Pierre Podrebarac MD |

Stop Spring Allergies in Their Tracks

Each year, freshly cut grass, blooming trees and budding flowers announce spring's arrival. But if you are one of the millions of Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies, the signs of spring bring months of misery.

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The Power of Digital Detox

Kim Shopper |

The Power of Digital Detox

In a world where digital devices offer endless streams of information, communication and entertainment, the concept of going without them – or a digital detox – might seem impossible.

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Jet Off Without Lagging Behind

Suzanne Savage |

Jet Off Without Lagging Behind

Don’t let jet lag ruin your next trip. Learn how to reduce your jet lag symptoms so you can enjoy every minute of your travel.

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