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We are NKCH and MH

We are NKCH and MH
Holiday Depression: When It's Not the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Jodi Rawson |

Holiday Depression When Its Not the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Sparkling Christmas lights, holiday party invites and cheery music are hallmarks of the winter holidays. They all send the same message: It’s the happiest season of all! But for many people, its not. For some, the hustle and bustle of the season add a new level of stress and anxiety.

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The Gift of Constructive Criticism

Lisa Thorson |

The Gift of Constructive Criticism

We all love receiving glowing compliments about our work. But we don’t always love the sting of less-than-positive feedback that we occasionally get from a boss or coworker. While compliments are lovely and feed our egos, constructive criticism is a true gift. After a long career, I remember each of these sometime difficult conversations vividly. I […]

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A Passion to Help

Kim Shopper |

A Passion to Help

Purchasing Associate Della Alleven gathers medical supplies for donation. Sutures, exam gloves and other medical supplies that are common in the United States can be luxury items in impoverished third-world countries. Life-saving surgeries may be cancelled in some areas of the world because there are no sutures or the needed supplies. It’s hard […]

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In a Heartbeat

Mari Rydings |

In a Heartbeat

“As I began feeling the effects of the anesthesia, I thought about the possibility of never seeing my husband, our 2-year-old son Anthony, or my family again. I thought about never having the chance to meet my unborn daughter.” Just 14 weeks into her second pregnancy, Angela Mason, 35, discovered her aortic stenosis had progressed […]

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Healthy School Lunches From Home? No Sweat

Mari Rydings |

Healthy School Lunches From Home No Sweat

It’s hard to believe the first quarter of the school year has come and gone. By now, your daily schedule is likely packed with school events, after-school activities and homework. And chances are, those healthy school lunches you were determined to send with your child to school have fallen by the wayside, victims of more […]

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How to Treat Back Pain at Home, and When You Should Call the Your Doctor

Jodi Rawson |

How to Treat Back Pain at Home, and When You Should Call the Your Doctor

So many visitors to nkch.org search for the term “back pain” that the condition consistently ranks in the Top 10 of our most-searched terms. Considering more than 31 million Americans will seek relief for back pain at some point in their lives, it’s really not all that surprising. Fortunately, most back pain can be cured […]

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Down Syndrome Blessings

Jodi Rawson |

Down Syndrome Blessings

Guest post by Jodi Myers, RN at NKC Hospital. An Update Fast forward two years ... this month, Carissa turned 27 and now lives independently in her own apartment. Her work at Children's Mercy Hospital has increased to 35 hours per week. Her boyfriend, Chris, also got a job at CMH and lives on his own […]

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Stay Healthy at Home with Heart Failure? Yes!

Jodi Rawson |

Stay Healthy at Home with Heart Failure Yes!

Heart failure (HF) affects nearly 5.7 million Americans, and it is the leading cause of hospitalization in people 65 and older. A heart failure diagnosis doesn’t mean your heart has stopped working, but it isn’t working as well as it should. HF is also the primary reason patients return to the hospital following discharge. But […]

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Breast Cancer: It's Not About the Pink

Kim Shopper |

Breast Cancer Its Not About the Pink

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and we are celebrating one of our own: Angie Voyles, BSN. Angie, a nurse in our Cardiology/ Neurology unit, was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014 at age 35. She noticed skin changes on her breast and went to her doctor for a routine checkup. Treatment for her […]

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A Lifesaving Passion

Jodi Rawson |

A Lifesaving Passion

A 25-year-old stuffed duck is a visual reminder for Karen Bordson, DO, of her passion for saving lives by donating blood. The duck is adorned with her first nine donation pins and first gallon donor pin. Dr. Bordson’s high school swim coach in Madison, WI, gave her the duck as a thank you for donating […]

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A Mother Turns Sorrow into Hope

Kim Shopper |

A Mother Turns Sorrow into Hope

“One here and one in heaven,” is how Joy Freeman, one of our assistant chaplains, often responds to the question, “How many children do you have?” For the past five years, she carefully protected the story of her youngest daughter’s death in July 2010 when Joy was 14 weeks pregnant. “We named our child Hope […]

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How to Become a Healthy Road Warrior

Casey Quintanilla |

How to Become a Healthy Road Warrior

Congratulations! You’ve settled into a routine of healthy habits at home and at work, but then, boom, life happens and you have to travel. Whether it’s a work trip or a family reunion, there is no reason you can’t maintain the healthy lifestyle you have already implemented at home. Snack Attack 1. Veggies are crunchy […]

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