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We are NKCH and MH

We are NKCH and MH
New Partnership Expands Prenatal Care in the Northland

Jodi Rawson |

New Partnership Expands Prenatal Care in the Northland

Expectant mothers in the Northland will have easier access to prenatal care thanks to a new partnership between North Kansas City Hospital and Samuel U. Rodgers Health Center. The two healthcare providers will work together to provide quality care through every stage of pregnancy. Through the partnership, Samuel U. Rodgers healthcare professionals will provide prenatal […]

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Beat Migraines to the Punch

Mari Rydings |

Beat Migraines to the Punch

Beyond their debilitating pain, one thing is certain about chronic migraine headaches: they affect your ability to function on a daily basis. Fortunately, a new 15-minute nerve block procedure, called SphenoCath, fights severe headache pain head on. And, it’s available at North Kansas City Hospital. “I was having anywhere between 16 and 29 migraines each […]

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No One More Deserving

Jodi Rawson |

No One More Deserving

Sharon, center, with her coworkers who nominated her. There are many stories like Sharon's going around this time of year. This story is special to us because it's one of our own. Country Hill Motors received hundreds of nominations - THE MOST NOMINATIONS EVER, and Sharon was selected to receive the honor! Sharon has two adult, special […]

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Down But Not Out

Kim Shopper |

Down But Not Out

Security Representative Mark Hill grew up in a one-bedroom apartment above a sporting goods store with his father, Floyd, in Akron, OH. At age 13, he learned the man he knew as his father actually adopted him at 22 months old, after his mother left. It didn't matter to Mark because Floyd symbolized everything he […]

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8 Reasons Why You Should Get — and Give — a Massage This Holiday Season

Jodi Rawson |

8 Reasons Why You Should Get — and Give — a Massage This Holiday Season

Happy Holidays! For many of us, this time of year is filled with extra fun, good cheer and a side of added stress. If the holidays have you feeling more “Bah! Humbug!” and less holly jolly, try a massage. Put shopping lists, party planning and family squabbles on hold for a little while and find […]

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Perks of Pumpkin

Becky Hager |

Perks of Pumpkin

Everyone can agree that pumpkin is a fall favorite. There are many health benefits to consuming and using pumpkin in those delicious fall recipes. Pumpkin is packed full of fiber (3 grams per ½ cup of cooked pumpkin) and vitamin A. It’s also a low calorie choice (40 calories per ½ cup of pumpkin puree). […]

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Lose Weight Safely With These 6 Doable Diet Changes

Jodi Rawson |

Lose Weight Safely With These 6 Doable Diet Changes

In one of my favorite weight loss fantasies, I have a magic wand that I wave and POOF … my extra pounds disappear, never to return. Then, reality strikes. And in real life, slow and steady loses the weight. Slow and steady — which translates into safe and long lasting — means a reasonable goal […]

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Hot Jobs in Healthcare

Lisa Thorson |

Hot Jobs in Healthcare

Jobs in the healthcare sector continue to grow faster than in almost any other industry in the U.S. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the healthcare industry will add around 2.3 million jobs by 2024. North Kansas City Hospital is always on the lookout for exceptional people who have the talent and […]

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Back to Life

Mari Rydings |

Back to Life

You’ll be dead in 5-10 years.” That’s the message Brian Wilson heard from the ER doctor the day he was rushed to the hospital with chest pains. Fortunately, Brian hadn’t suffered a heart attack, but the experience was the catalyst he needed to change his unhealthy lifestyle. At the time, he weighed 355 pounds. Acid […]

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Allergies and the Classroom

Jodi Rawson |

Allergies and the Classroom

Allergies affect as many as 40% of the children in the U.S. Difficulty breathing or a runny nose might not be just another cold caused by germs passed around by students. Classroom allergens are lurking making it harder to learn and increasing absent days due to allergy symptoms. Scott Knappenberger, MD Meritas Health […]

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Happy Father's Day!

Kim Shopper |

Happy Fathers Day!

Jim, (Supervisor, Receiving/Print Shop) and Jakub (Groundskeeper, Grounds Maintenance) Jim & Jakub Hladik Jakub was born at NKCH, and now works here, so he has come full circle. “NKCH is a great place for a young man to get started,” said Jim, who learned his work ethic from his dad. He passed that […]

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NKCH Has a CFO to Know

Jodi Rawson |

NKCH Has a CFO to Know

Jim McNey, Senior Vice President and CFO was recently named to Becker's Hospital Review's national list of 150 Hospital and Health System CFOs to Know. We sat down with our fiscal-minded leader to get to know him; how he spends his time when he's not balancing the hospital's checkbook. How did you get into finance? […]

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