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We are NKCH and MH

We are NKCH and MH
The Facts on Weight Loss

Kevin Phillips |

The Facts on Weight Loss

Nothing pains me more as a personal trainer than seeing a personal struggle with weight loss. It isn’t easy and it doesn’t come quick. The important thing to do is realize how weight loss works and what you can do to put yourself in the best position for success. We often get discouraged by the […]

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Lifetime of Care

Jodi Rawson |

Lifetime of Care

North Kansas City Hospital's current multimedia advertising campaign highlights cardiology, oncology, maternity and orthopedic services with real-life patient stories. You'll see the commercials on TV, print ads in the paper and magazines, billboards are up all around Kansas City, North and you'll hear us on the radio. The campaign features several familiar faces from the […]

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Humble Beginnings

Jodi Rawson |

Humble Beginnings

A great community deserves a great hospital. From its humble beginnings through decades of expansion, North Kansas City Hospital stands today as a beacon of hope and health to those who work and live in the Northland. A dream turned to reality for Northland residents when North Kansas City Hospital opened in 1958. The first […]

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Related Holiday Celebrations

Joy Freeman |

Related Holiday Celebrations

Even a casual glance at any standard calendar for late December and early January will reveal a number of holiday occasions, some very familiar – like Christmas and New Year’s Day – but a few that may frankly be puzzling. What is “Boxing Day,” anyway? So, in the interest of cultural and spiritual awareness I […]

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Regarding Hanukkah

Joy Freeman |


While many or most of us have some familiarity with the Jewish feast of Hanukkah, I find lots of misunderstanding about it among people in general. For instance, you hear it described as “the Jewish Christmas.” That is unfortunate because it has nothing to do with Christmas at all. It often occurs around the same […]

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Is Gluten Free a Free Pass?

Jodi Rawson |

Is Gluten Free a Free Pass

When it comes to eating healthy and dieting, many people are opting to go the gluten-free route. There are many claims that gluten makes us fat and that cutting it out of our diets entirely will be the magic piece of the puzzle that finally makes us skinny. Does it work?

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Pastoral Care Week is this week.

Joy Freeman |

Pastoral Care Week is this week

Pastoral Care Week is October 20-26, 2013. This is an opportunity to recognize the significance of appropriate, professional spiritual care in human health and wellness. The Greek philosopher Plato famously advised, “The part can never be well unless the whole is well.” At NKCH, professional chaplains are an integral part of the overall healthcare team, […]

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Back to School Lunches

Becky Hager |

Back to School Lunches

It is that time of year when the kids are heading back to school. It is important for kids to have a healthy meal at school. Here are some ideas for packing healthy lunches for your little ones. You can make lean meat sandwiches, like turkey or chicken on whole wheat bread. You can even […]

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"Unplugging," the benefits of disconnecting from our technology

Joy Freeman |

Unplugging, the benefits of disconnecting from our technology

Several weeks ago I had the opportunity to participate in a ministry outreach experience with other chaplains from around the country. What we did was an incredible experience for me on all levels, and I could reflect on many aspects of that experience. But today I am reflecting on what I had to do to […]

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A Day to Celebrate or A Day to Grieve

Joy Freeman |

A Day to Celebrate or A Day to Grieve

With Mother’s Day and Father’s Day recently behind us, I have found myself thinking more deeply about these two holidays and the assumption that everyone is happy to celebrate these days, or at least that is how the card companies portray it. I will graciously agree that for most people these are two happy days that they […]

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A Thought for Memorial Day

Joy Freeman |

A Thought for Memorial Day

My wife recently recalled a summer family vacation on the eastern seaboard many years ago. Susan remembered with great clarity a number of the cities and historic sites we visited on that trip, even the less-than-happy reaction of our children at many of the places she and I found especially enjoyable or inspiring at the […]

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Defining Spirituality

Joy Freeman |

Defining Spirituality

Believe it or not, it is very difficult to define spirituality. I was recently reminded of this when I participated in an on-line seminar for professional chaplains from all parts of the United States. This group struggled to find a clear, concise understanding of spirituality that we could all accept. We seemed to agree that […]

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