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We are NKCH and MH

We are NKCH and MH
Live the Good Life With Help From NKCH's Accredited Heart Failure Program

Jodi Rawson |

Live the Good Life With Help From NKCHs Accredited Heart Failure Program

The words “heart” and “failure” when used together can be scary, especially when you hear them from your doctor. In the U.S. alone, the condition affects nearly 6 million people and their families. According to a recent report from the American Heart Association, the number is growing. By 2035, AHA projects more than 9 million […]

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Lifesaving Trauma Care

Kim Shopper |

Lifesaving Trauma Care

Dusty Baker doesn’t remember the details from the car accident that changed his life on March 4, but he does remember the lifesaving care he received at NKCH. After a 21-day stay in ICU and another two weeks on a medical/surgical unit, Dusty left the hospital for a rehab facility, where he continued his recovery. […]

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Moms & Dots Who Work at NKCH

Kim Shopper |

Moms and Dots Who Work at NKCH

The relationship between a mother and daughter is one of the most powerful connections. Just ask these mother and daughter pairs who work at North Kansas City Hospital. They share common interests and describe being best friends. Mary and Becca Nursing and a love of family connect mother and daughter Mary Koch (left) and […]

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123 Kids Yoga

Casey Quintanilla |

123 Kids Yoga

Burning-off my preschooler’s energy has been a challenge during this rainy spring! We’ve been on the hunt for indoor activities all over the Northland, and I was excited to learn about kids’ classes at the new NKCH Wellness Corner at Zona Rosa. Close to home – check! Weekend classes – check! Affordable – check! Class […]

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Earth Day Celebrates Its 47th Year

Jodi Rawson |

Earth Day Celebrates Its 47th Year

April 22 marks the 47th anniversary of the founding of the modern environmental movement, more commonly known as Earth Day. It’s a day to celebrate our beautiful planet and a time to promote the importance of creating a clean and sustainable environment. Climate change and global warming are two of the biggest challenges facing the […]

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Antacid Sufferers Beware

Kim Shopper |

Antacid Sufferers Beware

Antacids, like Tums, are one of the most profitable over-the-counter products. As many as 15 million Americans experience heartburn every day. Persistent heartburn (two or more times per week) or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can cause stomach acid to splash into the esophagus, producing cellular changes that can ultimately result in cancer. About three million Americans […]

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Traditions Around the Globe

Kim Shopper |

Traditions Around the Globe

Lori KirkCommunications Supervisor Sent With Love “At this time each year, I bring out some of my grandmother Nealie’s Easter postcards from the 1900s. Her family traveled from Tennessee to live in Savannah, MO. People back then used postcards to communicate with each other. By reading what they wrote, I get a peek […]

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Eggstra Special Delivery

Kim Shopper |

Eggstra Special Delivery

White fur or brown, straight ears or floppy, the Easter bunny’s magic transcends age. On Friday, April 14, 60+ adults will report to work and many will ponder, “Where’s my egg?” These aren’t just any plastic colored eggs. They arrive by special delivery, each handwritten with a name and filled with confectionery delights. Angie Neperud, […]

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Hernia Repairs Go High-tech

Mari Rydings |

Hernia Repairs Go High-tech

Art Stratman, MD, a retired family physician, enjoys playing a few games of pool each week, and even finds time to mix in some Mexican Train dominoes. But, when his bilateral inguinal (groin) hernia flared up, the pain made routine activities difficult to enjoy. “I had a left inguinal hernia repaired about 23 years ago, and […]

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Eyes Wide Open

Ciara Rojas-Pate |

Eyes Wide Open March is Caffeine Awareness Month

Caffeine Awareness Month is a great time to think about how much caffeine you have in a day and how it’s affecting your health.

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How Robotic Technology is Changing the Surgery Experience

Mari Rydings |

How Robotic Technology is Changing the Surgery Experience

Robotic surgery celebrated a milestone recently when it hit double-digits. Ever since their inception over a decade ago, the use of doctor-controlled robots during surgeries has continued to grow. Advances in the technology allow surgeons to perform an expanded range of complicated procedures with more precision. Gerald Y. Park, MD, a urologist with Kansas City […]

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Happy Anniversary to NKCH's TAVR Program

Jodi Rawson |

Happy Anniversary to NKCHs TAVR Program

We’re celebrating the one-year anniversary of the TAVR (transcatheter aortic valve replacement) program at North Kansas City Hospital. TAVR is an innovative approach to treating people with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis. The procedure is FDA-approved for people who have additional health conditions that put them at an intermediate or high risk for complications with open […]

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