No One More Deserving
December 19, 2016By: Jodi Rawson
Categories: In the Community, Spiritual Wellness

There are many stories like Sharon’s going around this time of year. This story is special to us because it’s one of our own. Country Hill Motors received hundreds of nominations – THE MOST NOMINATIONS EVER, and Sharon was selected to receive the honor! Sharon has two adult, special needs children. Her husband passed away a few years ago and she recently struggled with her own health scare. Through all of that, many coworkers had no idea she has not had a working furnace for nearly two years.
A coworker who nominated her asked how she’d been keeping warm. She said they use space heaters and the oven, and each day she thanks God for a mild winter. Her coworkers say she never comes to work without a warm smile and a great attitude. They describe her as humble and generous with a loving sincere heart. Which is why they feel there is no one more deserving of this surprise.
A nurse who works on the floor with Sharon shared her story with this poem.
It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.
Two weeks before Christmas and days before the coldest weather this year, Sharon was surprised by her friends at work, and the generous people at Pole Star Plumbing and Country Hill Motors, with a new furnace. Additionally, she and her kids were picked up by a limo to celebrate with Christmas gifts that Country Hill Motors purchased for her and her children.