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Aquatic therapy is ideal for you if you have pain, mobility issues, arthritic joints, or other conditions that limit therapy on land.

Aquatic therapy can help with gait training and muscle reeducation. In addition, it can be a bridge to a land-based exercise program or a community aquatics program as you continue and maintain your recovery.

Our warm water therapeutic pool maintains a steady temperature of 90°F to relax and sooth muscles and joints and make you comfortable year round. Our facility also includes a cooler lap pool.

The pools are on the 2nd Floor Pavilion at North Kansas City Hospital.

Conditions We Treat

  • Arthritis
  • Chronic (longstanding) or acute (new onset) pain
  • Coordination and/or balance problems
  • Loss of range of motion
  • Limited joint movement
  • Muscle weakness
  • Neurological issues
  • Orthopedic injuries and/or surgeries


Our trained aquatic therapists will create a customized water exercise program to meet your specific needs.

Our unique aquatic therapy facility allows our physical and occupational therapists to use the buoyancy of water to promote your mobility, strength, balance and range of motion early in your recovery process. By reducing pressure on weight-bearing joints, you're able to move more freely to help you progress.

Restrictions and Precautions

If you have any of the following conditions, you may be unable to participate in aquatic therapy.

  • Fear of water
  • Heart problems resulting in high or low blood pressure
  • Inability to control bowel or bladder
  • Skin infections or open wounds
  • Some kidney diseases

Contact Us

Our aquatic therapy services require a doctor’s referral. If you feel you would benefit from aquatic therapy, talk with your doctor about a referral. For more information, call 816.691.1795.