It’s hard to believe that just a few weeks ago when you thought of a face mask you probably pictured a luxurious spa treatment or a fun Girls Night In. With the pandemic, face masks have taken on a whole new meaning. They’re now an essential accessory for protecting yourself and others against the coronavirus.

Face masks don’t have to be dull. With a little creativity, you can make yours fun and functional. Browse online fabric stores for just the right flair, or buy a cute and colorful pre-made one. You get bonus points for shopping at a site that donates proceeds to a COVID-19 cause.

To help slow the spread of the coronavirus, CDC guidelines recommend covering your nose and mouth whenever social distancing is hard to maintain, such as grocery stores and, hopefully soon, hair salons and other places we’ve missed the past couple of months.

The CDC has all the info you need on face coverings, including:

  • Why you should consider wearing one in public
  • How to wear and remove one
  • The right way to clean it
  • Sew and no-sew DIY instructions
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