From heading up class parties, to organizing fundraisers, to sewing costumes for the school musical, moms are the ultimate volunteers. Volunteering is a great way to spend time with your kids. Plus, plenty of studies show parental involvement leads to better grades and fewer behavior problems.

But the opportunities to help are endless, and many moms become buried under added responsibility before they even realize it. Banish school volunteer burnout with these helpful hints.

  • Take it slow. Most moms jump into volunteering when their child enters Kindergarten. By the time middle school rolls around, they are volunteered out. However, as kids get older parental involvement is just as important. Resist the temptation to go all out when your child is young. Instead, think about ways you can help over the course of your child’s school career.
  • Set boundaries. You are only one who can put limits on how much energy and effort you put into volunteering. If you’re in a time-intensive role, dedicate a few hours in your schedule each week to handle volunteer-related phone calls and emails. Stick to that schedule. If something pops up during your off time, it will have to wait.
  • Help from home. If you can’t chip in during the school day, there are plenty of ways to help from home.
    • Chaperone a school dance in the evening
    • Maintain the school-parent organization’s Facebook page
    • Clip Box Tops
    • Cut out school or classroom decorations
    • Donate food to parent breakfasts or teacher appreciation events
    • Offer to shop for supplies
  • Forego the guilt. Keep mommy guilt at bay by refusing to give in to it. Before saying “yes” to anything, consider your strengths, schedule and the school activities you might actually enjoy. Choose one activity, and be happy with your decision. Most importantly, if you need to say, “No,” do it. No explanation and no guilt needed.
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