Book Review: The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

Reviewer: Mari Rydings, Club W member

Out of curiosity, I borrowed a copy of Gretchen Rubin, opens new tab's book, "The Happiness Project,", opens new tab from the library. Within the first few chapters, I knew I needed my own copy. I fell in love with the book for the simple reason that it made me think. Not just about my happiness, but about my short- and long-term goals and about who I want to be.

Rubin’s book is part memoir, part self-help, and it's the perfect balance between the two. She writes about the year she spent discovering how she could “change [her] life without changing [her] life.” She shares her personal journey, detailing with grace and humor what worked … and what didn’t. At the same time, she makes it easy for readers to apply her processes to their own lives and Happiness Projects.

You can pull as much — or as little — as you want from the book. For example, I haven't crafted a full-blown Happiness Project, but Rubin’s list of personal commandments inspired me to create my own. The book also prodded me to think about every day experiences and interactions in different ways. I love it when a book does that!

"The Happiness Project" is a quick and easy read. If you’re looking for more, I also highly recommend Rubin’s other two books, "Happier at Home", opens new tab and "Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of our Everyday Lives.", opens new tab

Lastly, a bit of Gretchen Rubin trivia: She’s originally from Kansas City!

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