Many people enjoy coffee as part of their morning routine, while others drink it throughout the day. Consuming coffee regularly might have you wondering about the impact on your heart health.

A recent study from the American Heart Association set out to determine if drinking caffeinated coffee plays a role. Not surprisingly, the researchers found it has both beneficial and harmful short-term health effects.


  • Increased abnormal heartbeats
  • Reduced sleep duration


  • Increased physical activity (boosted energy levels)
  • Could support brain and liver health

More physical activity has numerous health benefits, including reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes and several cancers. However, if caffeine is affecting your sleep, that can have adverse effects on your health, such as diabetes, heart failure and obesity.

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Heart Attack Risks

Drinking coffee doesn’t appear to have adverse effects on people who already have a known high risk of heart attack due to other factors. For those people, it’s important to talk with your doctor who is familiar with your specific medical condition.

All Things in Moderation

What’s the bottom line? Drink caffeine in moderation and monitor how it affects you specifically. And, of course, black coffee is best. Dressing it up with too much cream and sugar can offset its benefits.

The Food & Drug Administration notes 400 milligrams of caffeine a day is generally safe for most people. That’s about four cups of brewed coffee. More than that can cause caffeine intoxication. Symptoms include:

  • Anxiety
  • Bowel iterability
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Increased gastric acid
  • Insomnia
  • Panic attacks

Fortunately, these typically are not long-lasting and will wear off as the caffeine leaves your system.

If you’re concerned about your blood pressure or mental health, try limiting your caffeine intake to 200 milligrams a day (or two cups of brewed coffee).

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