Whether you work in an office or from home, getting back into the swing of things after a new baby arrives on the scene takes some getting used to.

Try these tips to help you move into motherhood and keep your career on track.

Get everything ready the night before.

The morning can be unpredictable, and it's easy to lose track of time with nursing and diaper changes. Lay out your outfit the night before, and pack your lunch. Try showering at night to give yourself more time in the morning.

Remember there is no scientific evidence that suggests children are harmed when their mothers work outside the home.

The American Academy of Pediatrics says that, "… a child who is emotionally well adjusted, well-loved and well cared for will thrive regardless of whether the mother works outside the home."

Maintain a work-life balance.

When you are at work, try to focus only on work so you don't have to bring anything home. This will help you be fully present with your family.

Rely on your support system.

Returning to work may be a big adjustment. Let your family members, friends and co-workers. Rely on your best girlfriends to provide encouragement and personal advice.

Communicate with your employer.

Let your boss know what will help you make a smooth transition. For example, ask about time and a space for breast pumping. Most employers are supportive of working moms.

Find ways to relax.

Carve out time to do something you enjoy. Take turns with your partner caring for the baby so you both get some downtime.

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