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Life looks different now. While many things have changed, one thing hasn’t: the need to take care of yourself.

If you’ve postponed an exam, procedure or screening because of COVID-19, it’s time to get your health back on track. We’re taking every precaution to keep you safe while delivering the same excellent care you’ve come to expect.

What to Expect

  • Continuous disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces
  • Entrance screenings for everyone
  • Mask requirements
  • Visitor restrictions

What’s Changed

  • All employees, patients and visitors must wear masks
  • Availability of virtual visits
  • Reduced waiting room seating to allow for social distancing
  • Some areas won’t allow you to wait for your appointment; instead, a staff member greets you at the door and takes you to a private room

Other Info to Know

  • Latest coronavirus updates
  • Current visitor policy
  • Find a provider
  • Schedule a doctor appointment


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