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Menopause is one of life’s unavoidable rites of passage. Adding certain foods to, or removing certain foods from, your diet may relieve common symptoms.

Fragile Bones

During and after menopause, your risk for osteoporosis increases significantly.

  • Eat more leafy green vegetables, fish and fortified cereals to boost your intake of calcium and vitamin D
  • Limit sodium, caffeine, red meat, processed foods and carbonated drinks

woman with handheld fanMood Swings

Mood swings create feelings of depression, anxiety and irritability

  • Eat more lean meat, poultry, salmon and flaxseed to increase your intake of vitamin B and omega 3
  • Limit your sugar intake; sugar can cause you to feel tired and cranky

Weight Gain

During menopause, most women must work harder than ever to maintain their weight.

  • Eat high-fiber foods such as whole-grain breads, cereals, pastas and rice; they keep you feeling full longer, so you eat less
  • Limit processed and sugar-filled foods
  • Avoid emotional eating

If you have questions about menopause or another aspect of your health, talk with your primary care provider or 

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