Be tick smart and enjoy summer in the great outdoors.
Related Reading
Tick-Borne Diseases
The tick population is on the rise, which means tick-borne illnesses are, too. Ticks become infected with diseases by taking blood from infected animals. Humans can get sick if an infected tick bites them.

Protect Yourself
Michael R. Brown, DO, a family medicine physician with Meritas Health Park Plaza, offers this advice.
- Apply a tick repellent with DEET to clothes and shoes
- Wear long pants and long sleeves in wooded or brushy areas, or places with shrubs, bushes or tall grass
- Check for ticks when you come inside
- Toss outdoor clothes in the dryer; heat kills ticks
- Shower with a washcloth and soap to dislodge any ticks
Best Removal Method
- Don’t panic; most tick bites do not result in harmful infections
- Grasp the tick close to the skin with fine-tipped tweezers
- Pull straight up and out slowly so the mouth-parts don’t break off in the skin
- Clean the area with rubbing alcohol, then wash it with soap and water
- Dispose of a live tick by putting it in alcohol or a sealed bag; wrapping it tightly with tape; or flushing it down the toilet
When to Call the Doctor
Symptoms can appear days, even weeks, after a tick bite. Call your doctor if you have body aches, chills, fever, loss of appetite or rash.
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