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Employer Vaccine Clinics

Employer-Paid Flu Vaccines

Businesses lose nearly 17 million work days due to sickness each year - costing employers billions of dollars in sick days and lost productivity.

Our on-site, employee-paid flu shot clinics give your employees fast access to the vaccine. A vaccinated workforce can result in up to:

  • 44% fewer healthcare provider visits
  • 45% fewer sick days
  • 28% fewer unproductive work days

Our on-site clinics make the vaccination process simple for you and your employees. We provide:

  • All vaccines, supplies, forms, education and resources
  • Flexible scheduling and drive-thru options
  • Licensed nurses and healthcare professionals
  • Promotional materials to encourage employee participation
  • All set up and clean up

Make sure you get your preferred dates and times. Email or call us to schedule your on-site vaccine clinic today.

Charmaine Wood, 816.898.6892 | Charmaine.Wood@meritashealth.com