S-E-X. That three-letter word says so much! Not only is having sex an intimate way to connect with your partner, it also has major health benefits for women of all ages.

Fringe Benefits

Engaging in a little hanky panky can:

  • Count as a workout
  • Improve your sleep
  • Lower your blood pressure
  • Reduce your risk of heart disease
  • Serve as stress relief

Gettin’ Busy

If you’re between 20-30:

  • Get checked for sexually transmitted infections, commonly known as STIs, especially if you’re having unprotected sex with more than one partner.
  • Schedule your first Pap smear, regardless of your sexual activity, when you turn 21.
  • Follow your doctor’s recommendations for screenings.

If you’re between 30-50:

  • Continue getting regular Pap smears, and add human papillomavirus, or HPV, co-testing when you turn 30.
  • Get checked for sexually transmitted infections, commonly known as STIs, especially if you’re having unprotected sex with more than one partner.
  • Follow your doctor’s recommendations for screenings.

If you’re 50 or older:

  • Keep up those Pap smears, if recommended by your doctor.
  • Use lubricants to relieve vaginal dryness.
  • Talk with your doctor about postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy.
  • Get checked for sexually transmitted infections, commonly known as STIs, especially if you’re having unprotected sex with more than one partner.
  • Follow your doctor’s recommendations for screenings.

Between the Sheets

Who’s to say what’s normal in terms of how often you have sex? You are. “Normal is what both you and your partner are satisfied with,” Dr. Ancy, opens new tab advised. “You and your partner should reach a happy level of intimacy. There’s nothing wrong with asking friends, but don’t get caught up in comparing. The most important thing is your comfort and your relationship with your partner. Sex is a good thing that should be enjoyed.”

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