Life has certainly changed over the past several months, and it will continue to change for the foreseeable future. If you move between feeling stressed, anxious, afraid, guilty or happy, you’re not alone. When your thoughts and feelings are a mixed bag of emotions, keep these truths in mind.

  • Do you; if it works for you and your family, it’s the right thing
  • Eat well, stay hydrated, exercise and get plenty of rest
  • Feel and accept all of your emotions
  • Find ways to have fun
  • Indulge a bit, but do so mindfully and safely
  • Reach out for counseling services
  • Remember it’s OK to not be OK
  • Stay social with virtual invites, if that’s your thing; if not, that’s OK
  • Talk about your feelings; saying them aloud helps

One last thing. In case no one has told you recently, you are a rock star. Keep up the good work.

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