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Boston Marathon 2018

Her first race in 2018 when she competed in the worst weather in the race’s 123-year history and she became hypothermic.

The Boston Marathon is to runners what the Super Bowl is to football players or the World Series is to baseball athletes. Each year, the 26.2-mile marathon attracts about 30,000 runners, whom first must qualify to compete.

Over 500,000 spectators line the streets of Boston to encourage the racers, making it New England’s most celebrated spectator event. Home Health Physical Therapist Sharon Fleming, PT, MSPT, 44, is among a select group with more than one finish.

First Impressions

Sharon ran her first “Boston” in 2018 in what turned out to be the worst conditions in the marathon’s 123-year history. Wind-driven rain and a near-freezing windchill made the hilly terrain difficult to navigate. “I knew something was wrong when I crossed the finish line,” Sharon remembered. She began shaking uncontrollably. With her family’s help, she recovered from hypothermia.

Boston Marathon 2019

Sharon crossed the finish line in her second Boston Marathon in April 2019.

Round Two

This year, Sharon battled a nagging sciatic nerve condition, which limited her training. She contemplated backing out, but instead competed pain-free April 15 in near ideal conditions with mild temperatures and no wind.

Sharon ran shoulder-to-shoulder with amateur and professional athletes, including Olympians, from around the globe. “There is no other sport where an amateur like me can run with an Olympic athlete,” said Sharon, who started running at age 13.

“There is no other sport where an amateur like me can run with an Olympic athlete.”

Marine Corp Marathon

Sharon’s mom, Ruby; son Colton; and daughter, Isabella, met Sharon (back, center) at the finish line in Oct 2018 at the Marine Corp Marathon in Washington, DC.

Life as a Runner

Sharon completed her first marathon at age 33. She refers to herself as “a destination marathoner” because she picks her marathons based on their locations. She typically runs marathons in the spring and fall.

Each marathon requires up to 20 weeks of training and a diet comprising healthy carbs, including whole grains, fruits and vegetables. She avoids processed or fried foods.

Running is therapeutic for Sharon. It gives her alone time to think, prepare for work or mentally process whatever is on her mind. Soon, she will be thinking about the 2020 Boston Marathon, which she is already qualified to run.

Kim Shopper

Kim has worked at NKCH for nearly 40 years where she produces the employee newsletter and manages internal campaigns. She is a board member for the Kansas City Health Communicators, and she is passionate about animal rescue and volunteers for the Parkville Animal Shelter.
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