As we think about the gathering with family for a festive feast, don’t fret about what foods are off limits. By making a few different choices you can enjoy Thanksgiving without the worry.
- Practice portion control by making your meat choice the size of a deck of cards, which is about 3-4 ounces; keep starchy sides like stuffing to a ½ cup serving or about the size of half of a baseball.
- Don’t skip meals on Thanksgiving Day because you’ll be tempted to overeat.
- Keep your blood sugar stable throughout the day by first filling up on vegetables and lean protein. This is important whether you have diabetes or not.
- Pick carbohydrate-rich side dishes you prefer. Skip the foods you can have any time or don’t love.
- Make one trip through the food line.
- Use leftover turkey for sandwiches the next day.
- Stay active. Take a family walk after dinner.
Bonus tip: The high carbohydrate content of the side dishes and sweets can cause you to feel sleepy. Keeping blood sugar balanced by pairing those carbohydrates with protein and high-fiber vegetables can help you feel energized all day.