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No matter your family dynamic, taking time to create some heart healthy habits benefits everyone.

Make the Time

Tracking each family member’s daily activities for one week gives you a snapshot of when the family can be together for physical exercise. It can also help you see which activities you can cut back on.

Related Reading: 5 Fun Family Workouts

Plan & Prep

Plan a weekly menu, go shopping and prep your meals so they’re ready to go when you are. Start by tracking how many times you grab food on the go in one week. Once you find blocks of time when you can do a little planning, it’ll be easy to learn healthy preparation methods, fix healthy snacks, and eat fewer fast and processed foods.

Related Reading: More Sweet, Less Sugar

Simplify the Schedule

In today’s society, we’re expected to do it all. But this type of non-stop lifestyle isn’t sustainable or healthy. Try prioritizing your activities, and see if there’s anything you can push to the sidelines. And, find ways to help every family member manage stress.

Related reading: Get Time on Your Side

Take it Slow

Take baby steps, not giant leaps. Getting heart healthy is a journey; you don’t have to do everything at once.

Related reading: Revive Your Routine

Get Everyone Involved

Ask everyone in the family to do their part. Depending on their ages, kids can help prepare healthy meals and help around the house. Treat your family like a team, and encourage everyone to work together.

Related Reading: Kids Take Over the Kitchen and Family Dine Time

Live By Example

If we want our kids to eat healthy and exercise, we’ve got to model that behavior. No one is perfect, but with determination and persistence, anything is possible.

Source: American Heart Association

Casey Quintanilla

Casey is the Executive Wellness Program Administrator for Meritas Health Occupational Health & Wellness. She has a bachelor's degree in Marketing and Public Relations and a Master's degree in Applied Health Science from Northwest Missouri State University. According to Casey, putting her two degrees together yields the most perfect career in the world - marketing all aspects of health and wellness to encourage employees to live healthier, happier lives by maximizing the potential everyone has inside them.
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