“Get Organized” consistently ranks in the Top 10 of New Year’s resolutions. But for many people, the motivation lasts only through the cleaning of one closet before it fizzles. If piles of papers and clusters of clutter have taken over your life, perhaps this bit of information will recharge your organizational batteries: Organizing your physical spaces can be healthy for your mind, body and spirit.

Benefit No. 1: Reduced Stress Levels

Improve Eating HabitsFor many people, stress can trigger overeating or, at the very least, some unhealthy food choices. A recent study in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, found that people who worked in a clean, organized space for 10 minutes were twice as likely to choose an apple over a chocolate bar as those who worked in a messy office for the same amount of time.

At home, make decluttering your kitchen a top priority. Clear countertops create an inviting workspace for meal prep. An organized pantry inspires you to eat more meals at home, which translates into better nutrition. When you no longer have to search the dark depths of your cabinets for ingredients, you’ll have more time to plan healthier meals and prep nutritious grab-and-go snacks for your family.

Benefit No. 3 Increased Productivity

Better SleepWe already know that living a more organized lifestyle can reduce your stress level (see Benefit No. 1). When you’re not stressed, you get a better night’s rest, which also helps your heart. Do you know what else helps you sleep better? A tidy bedroom. According to a National Sleep Foundation survey, people who make their beds every morning are 19% more likely to report regularly getting a good night’s sleep, and 75% of people surveyed reported a better night’s sleep when their sheets were fresh and clean because that small gesture increased their physical comfort.

If you’re drowning in debris, start small by choosing a single stack of papers, shelf or drawer each day. As you continue building the decluttering habit, you’ll likely begin to notice a healthier, happier you.

Mari Rydings

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