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NKCH Bill Pay

Pay Your Bill in Full

If you’d like to pay your bill with one payment, choose one of the following options.

Online — Our online bill pay system is a safe and easy way to access your account and pay your bill. You can view your account, email questions to our Patient Financial Services team, view our payment policies and procedures, and more.

Sign up/access NKCH account

By phone —You may pay your bill with a credit card over the phone. Please call NKCH Patient Financial Services at 816.691.2040 or 866.691.2040 (toll-free).

In person — The cashier office, located on the 2nd Floor, Main Hospital.

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

CarePayment Payment Plan

CarePayment LogoNorth Kansas City Hospital was the first hospital in the Northland to offer an affordable financing option for hospital-related medical expenses.

We partner with CarePayment, a healthcare finance company, to provide a monthly payment plan at 0.00% APR financing for our patients. The program is available for patients with medical bills totaling $150 or more.

For more information, visit CarePayment, or contact a Patient Financial Services representative at 816.691.2040 or 866.691.2040 (toll-free).

Elevate Patient Financial Solutions

NKCH partners with ElevatePFS to provide free financial advocacy for uninsured patients who have incurred medical expenses with us. ElevatePFS patient-focused approach identifes the most appropriate assistance from a variety of resources that can help you pay for your medical bills. You may have been referred to ElevatePFS for outreach if you've had a recent visit at NKCH with no insurance listed on file, or were identified with additional coverage needs by a financial counselor.

For more information, call 888.689.6960.

Financial Assistance

Find out if you qualify for financial assistance.

Contact Us

If you have questions regarding the charges for hospital services or to request a copy of your bill, please contact a Patient Financial Services representative at 816.691.2040 or 866.691.2040 (toll-free).

To mail your payment or send correspondence:

NKCH & Home Health
PO Box 843745
Kansas City, MO 64184