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Cardiac Rehabilitation

Ask for a Referral

You need a referral for cardiac rehabilitation. For more information, talk with your doctor or call 816.691.1575.

For most people with heart disease, life after a cardiac event is all about improving quality of life — both physically and emotionally. Even with heart surgery or interventional cardiology, cardiac rehab is an important part of treatment, especially at North Kansas City Hospital. Our cardiac rehabilitation provides you with a path for making lifestyle changes that can lead to a lifetime of improved health.

Did you know: Research shows that people who participate in a cardiac rehab program can lower their risk of future heart problems. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cardiac rehab decreases chance of death within five years of a cardiac event by about 35%.

What is Cardiac Rehab?

Cardiac rehab is a medically supervised exercise and education program to improve heart health. Your participation in NKCH’s cardiac rehabilitation program may help you:

  • Decrease heart disease risk factors
  • Increase your endurance, strength and stamina
  • Lower your heart rate and blood pressure
  • Manage your weight
  • Reduce your chance of future heart problems, hospitalizations and related healthcare costs

Nationally Accredited Program

When you choose to join the cardiac rehab program at NKCH, you’re getting treatment at facilities that meet or exceed national quality and safety standards. Our program is accredited by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.

Custom Cardiac Rehab Care Plan

Cardiac rehab at NKCH is personalized to you. You’ll receive a custom care plan that reflects your needs, goals and abilities. Your plan may include:

  • Education and counseling to improve your heart health and overall health and wellness by:
    • Eating a heart-healthy diet
    • Increasing physical activity
    • Managing diabetes or other chronic illnesses
    • Monitoring or losing weight
  • Exercise and training programs to improve your cardiovascular fitness
  • Medical supervision from your doctor

Your cardiac rehab care plan also will define if you need inpatient or outpatient cardiac rehab. Inpatient rehab includes intensive daily therapy along with skilled medical care while you stay at NKCH. Outpatient rehab helps you recover and gain strength with regular visits to NKCH. You return home after each appointment.