Sleep. The word conjures an array of meanings. For some, it’s dreamland. For others, it’s lack of sleep. Then there are those who think they sleep well. Their loud snoring causes their partner’s handwringing. It breaks through the toughest of noise-reducing earplugs. It even causes couples to opt for separate bedrooms. If you’re a loud snorer, your decibel level could be a telltale sign of obstructive sleep apnea. You could benefit from a home sleep test.

Sleep Apnea

Risk Factors

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is when you completely or partially stop breathing while you sleep, causing oxygen levels to drop. This happens when the muscles in the back of the throat fail to keep the airway open.

Still not convinced you should take heed and get a sleep apnea test? When untreated, sleep apnea causes other serious health problems:

  • Coronary artery disease
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke

Warning Signs

If you snore loudly, have pauses in breathing while you sleep, wake often during the night choking or gasping, or have excessive daytime sleepiness, you might have sleep apnea. Other symptoms include:

  • Difficulties with memory or concentration
  • Dry mouth
  • Frequent nighttime urination
  • Moodiness
  • Morning headaches
  • Night sweats
  • Sexual dysfunction

At-Home Sleep Apnea Test

WatchPat OneThe device, which comprises a wristband and finger and chest sensors, collects and transmits data through the patient's smartphone. Credit: WatchPAT ONE by Itamar Medical

Don't lose sleep. You can now turn to a disposable device – WatchPAT® ONE – you can use at home to test whether you have sleep apnea.

The device has several features. You'll use a wristband and two sensors for your finger and chest. You’ll also download the WatchPAT ONE app to your smartphone. The device sensors pair with the app to record data overnight on your body position, heart rate, chest and body movements, and oxygen saturation.

In the morning, simply stop the recording on your smartphone app for the data to upload to the cloud. Once uploaded, sleep medicine technologists and doctors at North Kansas City Hospital will evaluate the data and send a report to the ordering physician.

Many insurance carriers cover the FDA-approved device.

Testing at home is more convenient, especially if you cannot take part in traditional sleep testing at our facility. Its accuracy compares well to traditional hospital-based sleep studies.

More Thorough Sleep Exam

If a home sleep apnea test does not show sleep apnea, you may need a more thorough exam. Our Green Hills Diagnostic Sleep Center can evaluate you for other sleep disorders.

The center is accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the leading accrediting agency for sleep services. Our registered sleep technologists conduct tests for all sleep disorders. Learn what to expect from a sleep study.

Contact Us

A doctor’s referral is required for a WatchPAT ONE diagnostic test. For more information or help with a referral, call. 816.472.5157.

Explore More

Is a Sleep Study Right for You

Insomnia: Dangers and Treatment

Sleep Apnea: Symptoms, Risks & Treatment

Tips for Better Sleep

Scott Shorten

Dr. Shorten is the medical director of North Kansas City Hospital’s Diagnostic Sleep Center and a board certified neurologist and sleep medicine specialist with Meritas Health Neurology. His specific focus is on diagnosing and treating sleep and memory disorders.
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