What is the test?
During a low-dose CT lung cancer screening, special X-ray equipment connected to a computer takes detailed pictures of your lungs. The test is quick, painless and accurate.
Who should get tested?
“We recommend annual screening for anyone 55 and above who currently smokes or has a 30 pack-year history of smoking,” said Benjamin E. Northrup, MD, opens new tab, an NKCH radiologist. “Your doctor can help you decide if you should be screened.”
What does it cost?
Most insurances companies cover the cost if you meet the criteria. Confirm coverage with your health plan before scheduling a screening.
What if the test finds something?
You and your primary care physician will receive the results. If they indicate lung cancer, your doctor will refer you to an NKCH lung cancer specialist who will work with you to find the best treatment option.
How do I schedule a screening?
Call North Kansas City Hospital’s Scheduling Office at 816.691.5267. A doctor’s order is required.
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