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Wearing a mask when you go out is a must. It helps protect yourself and the people around you from COVID-19. But for many people, wearing a mask all the time comes with an unexpected side effect: maskne, or mask-induced acne.

If your skin suddenly started breaking out during the pandemic, you’re not alone. Many adults are having flashbacks to their teen years when they look in the mirror. The stress of the pandemic, combined with wearing a mask, is creating the perfect environment for bacteria to grow. Add the heat and humidity of summer, and breakouts are all but inevitable.

Maskne Prevention Tips

You may not be able to avoid pimples, but you can take steps to keep them under control.

  • Wash your mask after every use, and make sure it’s completely dry before you wear it again
  • Wear a cotton mask as often as possible; they allow the skin to breathe a bit more
  • Change your mask if you’ve been sweating
  • Wash your face twice a day (morning and night) with a gentle face cleanser, and pat it dry
  • Avoid oil-based facial products, especially during the summer; wait about 15 minutes after applying sunscreen or moisturizer before putting your mask on
  • Treat breakouts with acne products that have salicylic or glycolic acid

Just like when you were a teenager, acne doesn’t go away overnight. Stick to your routine and be patient.

If you’ve tried everything and your skin still isn’t clearing up, consider talking with a dermatologist, who can recommend a treatment plan for your skin.

Mari Rydings

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