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Vicki Landers, PT, DPT, jumps feet first into whatever goal she’s pursuing. So when friend and colleague Jamie Scheer, MPT, CSMT, suggested she would be a good life coach, Vicki took her words to heart.

For those who know Vicki, this pursuit was no surprise. Highly motivated, Vicki devotes herself to helping others, something that’s driven her career transition from physical therapist, to Home Health Rehab supervisor, to her current role as a clinical analyst for Home Health.

Shortly after enrolling in an accredited coaching program in July, Vicki knew she wanted to coach healthcare leaders. “Despite how well they’re functioning, healthcare leaders are always managing regulation changes, budgets and competing priorities. On top of that, they need to support those around them,” she said.

Help for Everyone

Vicki (center) finds inspiration in her classmates Lisa Miller and Jesse Cohen from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching.

Vicki believes coaching can help anyone who wants to self-improve, not just healthcare professionals or official leaders. The reason? She believes everyone is a leader with something to offer, no matter what their title is.

“How we show up makes a difference,” Vicki said. “That’s why in coaching, we focus on harnessing positive energy to reach goals,” Vicki explained.

Need a boost? Try these simple steps to replenish a depleted positivity bucket.

Vickie has posted a daily “Grateful” message on her Facebook page for almost an entire year, 340 days and counting.

Tips for Fostering Positivity

Coach Vicki’s Advice Ask these questions to retrain the brain’s thought pattern and foster positive energy.

  1. What am I grateful for?

Gratitude changes you at a neurological level. It starts by recognizing there is always something good you can find.

  1. How can I give grace to myself and others?

Grace comes from inside. Everyone is doing the best they can in any given moment. If you start by applying this principle to yourself and then others, you’re likely to see positive changes in your level of frustration.

  1. What can I control?

A lot of people in healthcare focus on what they can’t control. However, our greatest freedom is the freedom of choice. It’s empowering to realize that your choices and reactions are completely within your control.

As another year ends, take the first step and look for gratitude in where you’ve been, where you are and where you’re headed.

The post Rethinking Positivity in the New Year appeared first on True North.

Lib Hastert

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