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Jim and Jakub Hladik

Jim, (Supervisor, Receiving/Print Shop) and Jakub (Groundskeeper, Grounds Maintenance)

Jim & Jakub Hladik

Jakub was born at NKCH, and now works here, so he has come full circle. “NKCH is a great place for a young man to get started,” said Jim, who learned his work ethic from his dad. He passed that work ethic along to Jakub. “I was always told to work hard to get what I wanted and where I wanted to go,” said Jakub, who started in transportation five years ago. Like many parents, Jim wasn’t sure if Jakub would acknowledge him the first time they passed in the hall. “He actually gave me a hug,” Jim said proudly. Both agree they share the same stubborn streak. In their off-hours, they enjoy relaxing around a campfire with a cold beverage.

Alex and Todd Goforth

Todd (Supervisor, Patient Accounts) and Alex (Room Service Associate, Food & Nutrition Services)

Todd & Alex Goforth

Todd and Alex share many interests besides working at NKCH. They both enjoy tinkering with cars, watching Royals games and going camping. “We also have the same even temperament and dry sense of humor. But I am much funnier,” Todd laughed. Alex started at the hospital nearly two years ago and is glad to be here. “Since both of my parents work here, I thought it would be a good place to work, so I applied and got the job,” Alex said.

Alex and Todd occasionally meet for lunch and see each other in the hall. “I raised Alex and my older son to honor themselves, their family and their friends, and to work at a place they love that adds value to their lives and the lives of others.”

Moises and Drake Guzman

Moises (RN, ICU and Drake (Room Service Associate, Food & Nutrition Services)

Moises & Drake Guzman

Moises is glad his only son, Drake, chose NKCH for his first job because of the hospital’s stability. Drake likes the uniqueness of a father and son working at the same place. “People sometimes recognize my last name and ask if he is my dad,” Drake said of Moises, who has worked here for 19 years.

Outside of work, they share a love of cars and antiques. In fact, Drake hopes to use his interest in mechanics to pursue a future career.

Whatever Drake does for a career, Moises said, “I am very proud of my son. He is a wonderful person. I’ve always told Drake to be honest, enjoy what you do and do what you love.”

Kim Shopper

Kim has worked at NKCH for nearly 40 years where she produces the employee newsletter and manages internal campaigns. She is a board member for the Kansas City Health Communicators, and she is passionate about animal rescue and volunteers for the Parkville Animal Shelter.
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