Couple’s Skateboards Roll Around U.S.

Shanon and Jason stay young at heart by making boards for skaters who are typically under 18.

Ollie pop. Kickflip. Nosegrind. Those words may sound strange to most adults, but not to Shanon Powers, a teacher at the Children’s Learning Center. Shanon, 51, and her husband, Jason, 44, became familiar faces in the skateboarding world after starting their company, Creative Serenity Skateboards, four years ago. The couple builds custom skateboards and has developed quite a following. Orders come from Australia, England and the Philippines.

It Starts With Wood

Shanon is the aesthetic side of the business. She often coordinates board colors and designs, and handles PR efforts. Jason is the manufacturing mastermind. He makes each board with wood he orders from Arkansas. First, he forms the board by gluing and pressing thin layers of wood together. Then, he cuts the wood into the appropriate shape and paints it. He makes custom and standard boards. A custom board can take several weeks to craft from start to finish.

Old skateboards make a cool bench.

Jason’s love of skateboarding began as a teenager. As an adult, he started skateboarding again for exercise. After seeing the price for a new board, Shanon encouraged him to use his woodworking skills to make his own.

“When he started using that board, people saw it and asked where he got it. They were intrigued by the shape,” Shanon remembered. Eventually, Jason started making boards upon request.

Shape of Things

Today, most skateboarders ride popsicle-shaped boards with round noses and tails. Jason’s board design reflects the 1980s “shape” style that shows more curves and presents a different look for skateboarders.

Jason created a clock from an old board.

Since the Powers started their business in 2014, orders have rolled in like the wheels on a skateboard. At only $40 for a Powers-custom skateboard, compared with up to $80 for a mass-produced name brand, it’s easy to see why the couple ships boards to California, Wisconsin, New Jersey and other locales. “For my husband, it’s important that the kids be on a quality, well-made board for safe riding,” Shanon said. “We carry extra boards and parts in our car in case he sees a rider who needs help.”

The brand has evolved from this older look to the more current version at the top.

The couple is known for their generosity in the skateboarding community. They donate boards and merchandise to help organizations raise money.

Both Shanon and Jason work full time. When they’re not working, they spend their time at skateboard competitions and other events. For the first time, the couple signed deals to sponsor three skaters in 2019. The sponsorships will increase awareness of their Creative Serenity Skateboard brand.

While Shanon doesn’t plan to become a skater herself, she enjoys meeting skateboarders. “They don’t care what you look like, your age, gender or color. They are all out there to support each other,” Shanon smiled.

Kim Shopper

Kim has worked at NKCH for nearly 40 years where she produces the employee newsletter and manages internal campaigns. She is a board member for the Kansas City Health Communicators, and she is passionate about animal rescue and volunteers for the Parkville Animal Shelter.
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