Keeping your mouth clean and free of disease is important for your overall health and well-being. Poor oral health can negatively impact many aspects of our lives, including our ability to eat, talk and live a healthy life.

Disease Prevention

Our mouths contain bacteria, which are typically harmless, unless we don’t take care of our teeth through brushing and regular dental check-ups. Bad bacteria may develop, enter the bloodstream and travel throughout our body, including to our digestive and respiratory systems, leading to pneumonia and other diseases.

Chronic inflammation in the gums may also contribute to inflammation throughout the body, including the arteries, resulting in an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Poor oral health is also linked to diabetes, cancer and pregnancy issues.


The ability to chew properly is essential for good nutrition. Tooth decay, gum disease or missing teeth can make chewing painful and lead to a reduced appetite and less nutritious food choices.

Inflammation and infection caused by gum disease can affect the body’s ability to absorb essential vitamins and minerals, including the gastrointestinal tract, which can impair the absorption of nutrients from the digestive system.

Speech and Communication

Healthy teeth and gums are needed for clear speech and communication. Tooth decay or missing teeth can affect pronunciation and speech. Individuals may alter their speech patterns to avoid discomfort, which can impact how they communicate.

Self-Esteem and Quality of Life

A healthy smile can boost self-esteem and confidence. Problems like cavities, bad breath, discolored teeth or tooth loss, can cause embarrassment and negatively impact social interactions and confidence. Some individuals may withdraw and avoid communication and relationships.

Economic Benefits

Preventive dental care is typically less costly than treating dental problems that occur due to neglect. Investing in routine dental check-ups and practicing good oral hygiene can potentially limit expensive dental treatments in the future.

Oral healthcare is important for a longer, healthier life. Make sure to schedule regular dental check-ups, maintain proper oral hygiene and make healthy lifestyle choices. Proper tooth and gum care benefits your smile and contributes to good health.

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Kim Shopper

Kim has worked at NKCH for nearly 40 years where she produces the employee newsletter and manages internal campaigns. She is a board member for the Kansas City Health Communicators, and she is passionate about animal rescue and volunteers for the Parkville Animal Shelter.
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