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One of the best ways to stick to your health and wellness goals is to share them with others. Posting your plans on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social outlets can keep you on track and accountable. Plus, connecting with others who are actively trying to reach their own health goals is an instant motivator.

Social Savvy

Prep in the p.m.

If you exercise in the a.m., share your schedule the night before.

Start With a Selfie

Snap and share a pre-workout pic. You'll be less tempted to skip the gym.

Revel in the "Likes"

Read every encouraging comment to keep yourself motivated.

Show Your Moves

Post a video of a new workout.

Tweet Along

Browse Twitter to find people with similar health and wellness interests.

Find Inspiration Online

Stay motivated by following your favorite trainers and fitness pros on social media. Many have blogs, YouTube channels and podcasts that feature their exercise routines, nutrition and exercise news, or insights about fitness apps and trends.

Sharing your fitness goals on social media can keep you motivated.

Share Your Setbacks

When you regain the pounds you lost or don’t make it to the gym, share that news, too. Everyone can relate. Their “likes” and posts about their own experiences with lapsing and getting back into their fitness routines can be just the inspiration you need to keep trying.

Get started on your fitness goals with one of our land or water fitness

classes. From A Fitter You to Gentle Yoga to Buti Yoga to HIIT Boxing,

there’s something for everyone. Find your fit at nkch.org/Class.

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