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On-Site Academy

Juniors and seniors in North Kansas City Schools can enroll in On-Site Academy. Interested students should discuss the program with their school counselor.

Student Volunteer

The Student Volunteer program gives students 16 and older the opportunity to serve their community while gaining knowledge and experience in a healthcare environment. Volunteer positions are available in business, child care and clinical departments.

The program is divided into three sessions. The summer session runs from May-August and includes morning and afternoon shifts. The school-year sessions run September-December and February-May, with afternoon shifts available. Contact Bret Oleszczak, 816.691.1684.

Complete the Student Volunteer Application

Job Shadow

Job Shadow is a one-day opportunity (some nursing shadows might allow for mulitple days) for students ages 16 and up who have a general interest in a career in healthcare. Students tour their host department, observe employees in their work environment, discuss customer service and participate in teamwork activities.

Once we receive your submission, we will contact you to coordinate your visit.

Complete the Job Shadow Application