The winter holidays are synonymous with a thankful spirit. But sometimes our gratefulness gets lost somewhere between the mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese. This year, count more blessings and fewer calories.
More Gratitude
- Develop a habit of writing down one or two blessings every day
- Donate belongings you no longer need to someone who’s making a new start
- Give a compliment to a stranger
- Smile at everyone you see
- Write a thank you note to someone you truly appreciate
Less Gravy
- Eat slowly, and enjoy every bite
- Exercise in the morning to burn calories before a big holiday meal
- Satisfy cravings with one or two tablespoons instead of a heaping helping
- Swap applesauce for butter in baked goods; let plain Greek yogurt stand in for sour cream
The holidays are a time to relax and indulge. One day of holiday eating won’t tip the scales. If you mind your portions and find ways to squeeze in a workout most days, you’ll make it through the holidays just fine. And, getting back into your diet and exercise routine will be that much easier come January. That’s something to be thankful for.
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