Added sugars can sneak up on you. That's not so sweet for your health. Knowing recommended daily allowances and all the sneaky places sugar can hide can help you tame your sweet tooth for better health.
Added Sugar Recommendations
Women = 6 teaspoons/day (100 calories)
Men = 9 teaspoons/day (150 calories)
The average adult eats 19 teaspoons/day of added sugar (320 calories)
Why Too Much Sugar Is Bad for You
Too much sugar can cause:
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
- Metabolism problems
- Obesity
- Poor oral health
Undercover Sugars
On food labels, sugar may show up as:
- Agave nectar
- Brown rice syrup
- Dextrose
- Glucose
- High fructose corn syrup
- Malt syrup
- Molasses
- Sucrose
Hiding Places
Sugar loves to hang out in:
- Barbecue sauce
- Flavored coffees
- Granola bars
- Ketchup
- Pasta sauce
- Yogurt
Try These Sugars Substitutes
- Agave
- Coconut sugar
- Honey
- Pure maple syrup
- Raw sugar
- Stevia
If you're watching your glucose levels because of diabetes, choose stevia or agave, and count them like any other carb.
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