Whether you’re heading back to work or have been back in the office for a while, it’s natural to be concerned about how to keep your office area clean and free of germs from a cold, the flu or the coronavirus.
Most offices keep heavy-duty disinfectants on hand, but it can’t hurt to bring your own supplies. Disinfectant wipes that can kill common viruses are convenient and effective.
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces at least once a day,” said Lindsey McNerney, RN, an infection prevention nurse.
Clean These Areas Often
- Break room faucets
- Door handles
- Keyboard, mouse and work surface
- Light switches
- Phones (office and cell)
- Printer buttons
- Refrigerator door handles
Touch Less
- Break the habit of shaking hands
- Push doors open with your foot or shoulder
- Use your elbow to turn lights off/on
Keep Washing Your Hands
Wash your hands after touching:
- Chair arms
- Conference room tables
- Elevator buttons
- Escalator handrails
Wash with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Hand sanitizer that has at least 60% alcohol works just as well.
Follow the Guidelines
The pandemic guidelines help prevent the spread of any contagious infection.
- Keep your physical distance when possible
- Clean and disinfect shared items (EPA-approved coronavirus disinfectants)
- Stay home when you are sick
- Wear a mask in public areas
“These steps really do help prevent the spread of illness,” Lindsey advised.
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