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Urologic Surgery

Urologists are physicians who also specialize in the correction and treatment of medical conditions that affect the kidneys and bladder. As such, they may determine that robotic surgery is the preferred treatment to correct conditions that cause the kidneys or bladder to not function properly. 

Common Procedures

The following procedures may involve the use of robotic surgery:

  • Adrenalectomy (removes noncancerous tumors of the adrenal gland)
  • Partial or Total Nephrectomy (removal of a kidney). During a nephrectomy, the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder (ureter) and blood vessels are cut away from the kidney and the kidney is removed. The cut is then closed. Using robotic surgery, the procedure is less invasive and involves three or four small cuts, usually no more than 1 inch each, in the abdomen and side areas.

    Kidney removal may be recommended for:

    • Birth defects (congenital abnormalities)
    • Chronic bleeding
    • High blood pressure (hypertension)
    • Infection
    • Injury (trauma)
    • Tumor
  • Nephroureterectomy (removes a kidney and ureter)
  • Pyeloplasty (clearing an obstruction of the path from a kidney to the bladder)
  • Renal Cyst Decortication (removes noncancerous fluid-filled sacs in
  • the kidney)

How it Works

Robotic surgery is performed with a surgeon seated at a special console that mimics the hand movements that are necessary for your type of surgery. Those hand movements are translated precisely to a series of “arms” containing tiny instruments that perform the actual surgery. The value of robotic surgery to the surgeon is that the technology acts as an extension of the surgeon’s eyes and hands providing twice the clearness and a larger view of the surgical area.

If you suffer from a urologic condition, contact one of the robotically-trained urologists on the North Kansas City Hospital medical staff.

Remember, robotic surgery may not be appropriate for every individual and individual results may vary. Always ask your doctor about all treatment options, as well as the risks and benefits.