Pharmacy Services for Cancer Care

Your medical oncologist may prescribe medicines for different reasons if you have cancer. For example, you may take certain medicines to treat the disease and kill cancer cells, and you may take others to combat common side effects like pain. 

Medicines and treatment plans for cancer can be complicated. That’s why, as part of your care, you may meet with a pharmacist to learn about the medicines you’re prescribed, including how they work, and how and when to take them. 

Our pharmacists will also review possible side effects with you and help you understand what your insurance may cover. In addition, they can connect you with one of our financial counselors to learn about potential help with out-of-pocket expenses.

The Importance of Pharmacy in Cancer Care

Our pharmacists work alongside your doctors as part of your cancer care team to help you understand your treatments and to ensure they work as they should. That includes giving you tips to make sure you’re taking oral medicines as prescribed. 

Your pharmacist can help you clear any hurdles you may face to taking your medicines as directed. You can also use your pharmacist as a valuable resource during treatment, by asking them questions you may have and letting them know of any serious side effects that arise.