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Your Safety

Everyone has a role in making healthcare safe. As the patient, learn how you can prevent the spread of infection.

Infection Prevention

Sometimes special precautions need to be taken before entering a patient room to protect either the patient or you.

If this is the case, a stop sign will be placed outside the door to the room to indicate that a nurse needs to advise you of protective equipment, such as a mask or gown. For everyone's safety, please adhere to the information that is provided.

Clean Your Hands

  • Use soap and warm water, rubbing your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds. Watch our 'Don't Be This Person in the Bathroom' video.
  • Clean your hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizers, even they do not look dirty. Rub the sanitizer all over your hands, especially under your nails and between your fingers, until your hands are dry.
  • Clean your hands before touching or eating food.
  • Clean your hands after you use the bathroom, take out the trash, change a diaper, visit someone who is ill or play with a pet.

In an effort to keep you safe, your healthcare providers will wash their hands and wear gloves during certain procedures.

Cover Your Cough

Many diseases are spread through sneezes and coughs. When you sneeze or cough, the germs can travel 3 feet or more! Cover your mouth and nose to prevent the spread of infection to others.

  • Use a tissue! Keep tissues handy at home, at work and in your pocket. Be sure to throw away used tissues and then clean your hands.
  • If you don't have a tissue, cover your mouth and nose with the bend of your elbow or hands. If you use your hands, wash them immediately.
  • If you are sick, stay away from other people. Stay home if you have a fever.
  • When you go for medical treatment, call ahead and ask if there's anything you can do to avoid infecting people in the waiting room.