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Andrew Peck, MD

Andrew Peck, MD

Dr. Peck, an anesthesiologist with Meritas Anesthesiology, is the lead author of “Endotracheal Tube Dislodgment in a High-Risk Pulmonary Hypertensive Patient Due to Undiagnosed Tracheomegaly: A Case Report,” published in the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s Graduate Medical Education Research Journal, Vol 3, No. 2. Dr. Peck and his coauthors conclude the clinical importance for anesthesiologists to be aware of tracheobronchomegaly, despite limited provider experience with these patients and sparse reporting on the condition. They note: “It is underdiagnosed radiographically and may first present in the OR. TBM can manifest in many ways with potentially fatal complications, thus it is vital for anesthesiologists to be able to recognize, troubleshoot and potentially treat issues related to the disease.”