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Prostate Cancer

The prostate sits just below the bladder and helps make fluid for semen. It’s about the size of a walnut in younger men and grows larger as men age. Prostate cancer happens when abnormal cells grow in the prostate gland. It’s common in men who are 65 or older. Prostate cancer grows slowly. It may take years before it causes noticeable health problems.


When prostate cancer is in the early stages, it typically doesn’t cause symptoms. Most men don’t realize they have it until their doctor finds it during a routine checkup. Call your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms:

  • Deep and frequent pain in your lower back, belly, hip, or pelvis
  • Urinary problems, such as:
    • Blood in your urine or semen
    • Difficulty having an erection
    • Difficulty starting or stopping the flow of urine
    • Needing to urinate often, especially at night
    • Not being able to urinate at all
    • Pain or burning during urination

Risk Factors

  • Age
  • Family history
  • Race — African American men are nearly 70% more likely to develop prostate cancer than Caucasian or Hispanic men